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tv   The Situation Room  CNN  August 7, 2013 2:00pm-4:01pm PDT

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>> the spokesman told us that they explore the what-ifs in the world. we stand behind all of our content. that's it for "the lead." i will turn you over to wolf blitzer in "the situation room." mr. blitzer? happening now, relations with russia. president obama calls off a meeting with president putin. and you have 15 years, oprah winfrey returns. the butler, racism in america, and the success of her own cable network. i'm wolf blitzer, you're in "the situation room."
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president obama formally canceled the meeting next month with president putin. why? because of russia's offer of asylum to edward snowden. that is just the tip of an icebe iceberg. let's go live to our chief white house correspondent jessia yellin. she has all the latest for us. >> wolf, for a while the u.s. tried to reset relations for russia. if the administration had big hopes to reduce nuclear stockpiles or agree on how to press iran and syria for civility in the middle east. thanks to the breakdown in relations over edward snowden, now the goals are even further out of reach. also also set no thanks to russian president putin's one on one summit in moscow, putting a new frost in an already chili relationship. behind the latest cold front? edward snowden. >> even though we don't have a
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extradition treaty with them, traditionally we have tried to respect if there's a lawbreaker or an alleged lawbreaker in our country, we evaluate it and try to work with them. they didn't do that with us, and in some ways it's reflective of some underlying challenges we've had with russia lately. >> in a statement, the white house says he nixed the meeting over a lack of progress on the shared agenda. that includes missile defense, arms control, human rights, and anti-homosexuality rules. >> really all they're doing is playing into putin's hands, make him appear to be sort of an indisputable important world leader, someone the president of the united states has no choice to see, and they're saying no, we do have a choice. >> here are the two leaders at a summit athlete months ago, not exactly chummy.
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>> translator: bilat rad relation are far more important than squabbles of the activities of the secret services. >> reporter: further complicated by russia's crackdown on gay rights as the country prepares to host the olympics. >> if russia wants to uphold the olympic spirit every judgment should be made on the track, or on the balance beem. president presidents -- will see each other making the moscow belowoff even more awkward. >> i -- a minor kerfuffle, where the russians will do something to indicate their displeasure. to show the important leaders
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get included. >> officials tell me the president does not plan to have a one on one sid down, even at the g-20 summit, though they should expect the presidents will see one another right there. that's an added cold shoulder. wolf? we'll see what happens s obvious they do it so what they call the sidelines. of course, we'll be watching in early september. jessica yellin, thanks very much. >> fareed zakaria, is joining us. the president also defended his decision to go ahead and attend the g-20 summit. listen to this. >> sill won't be going to that, because the g-20 summit is the main forum where we talk about
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the commission -- the word economy with all the top economic powers in the world. it's not something unique to russia, it's important for us to make sure we're there. >> what do you think of his decision to snub the bilateral meeting in moscow. >> i think it's exactly right. we've got a lot of issues that have to be dealt with. the united states needs to be at the table, but any kind of special recognition strikes me as the wrong message to send, so i think the president is right form clearly a ser train.
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at the reminds me of -- a bit more than a year ago, and he said this at the time. listen. >> these are very -- and if he plans on doing -- he's not willing to tell the american people, that this is, without ski our number the idea that he has more flexibility in mind for russia is very, very troubling indeed. >> in retropecs, was he right when he called russia's america as the number one geopolitical foe? >> i don'tening so. this describes the world we're in. we're not in a -- that was the cold war. that was world war two, if you will. it was a world -- coming from iran, or from the collapse of
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syria. yes, i think the mistakes we make sometimes is the imaginary moment where russia was a agreed ally. for a brief period when it was on its knees after the cold war, russia was quite cooperative with us. otherwise for the last 75 years, we've been always been dealing with that are different from ours. >> he just gave an exit interview, in which he says, as far as he's concerned with this, syria is probably the most important issue in the world today because of where it is currently heading. he is deeply concerned about the chemical weapons, other weapons in syria, if the regime loses control, al qaeda will have access to all those weapons.
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what do you think? >> well, i think it's certainly one of the biggest problems we face. if you look at where al qaeda pops up, it's not in the most kind of radical. it's in places where the government has no control. so it's somalia, yemen, it's malli, it's chad, syria has the danger here is that syria becomes one of those failed states, and then al qaeda is able to establish a foothold, as we say, the chemical weapons add to the complexity, but the problem is there isn't an easy answer to it, unless the answer is we send hundreds of thousands of troops or even tens of thousands of troops in. it's not clear to me what the answer is. aiding the rebels in many ways
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would be aiding al qaeda, so he's absolutely right. this is a very complicated problem that the united states has to navigate. it's a very tough problem. >> certainly it. fareed, thanks very much. fareed zakaria. his program airs of sunday at 10:00 a.m. and then replayed at 1:00 p.m. eastern. up next, the stunning new twist. in the admitted ft. hood massacre gunman. and a war of words between anthony weiner and a rival. wait until you see what happens. right now, 7 years of music is being streamed. a quarter million tweeters are tweeting. and 900 million dollars are changing hands online.
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a stunning accusation and a sudden halt to the court-martial of the admitted ft. hood gunman. it comes a day after the army psychiatrist declared that he indeed was the shooter who killed 13 people and wounded 32 others in a 2009 rampage. hassan is representing himself, but the lawyers assigned to back up his defense team have now suddenly asked to withdraw from the case. cnn's ed lavandera is on the scene. he's been in the courtroom. ed, what's the latest? >> reporter: well, this was a bizarre day of what we thought would be testimony, wolf, but everything started about 45 minutes late this morning. when the judge did show up and major hassan was at his defense table as well as prosecutors, and this is what is called the standby counsel, three attorneys who have been assigned to help navigate him through this death-penalty case, said they want to modify their standing,
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their role in this case. they say that major hassan is essentially working with the prosecution to ensure he gets the death penalty and that they can't stand by and what much that happen. major hassan objected to that, and before anythinged could be said, the judge shut it all down, saying that's a conversation that those attorneys would have in private. so everything has been shut down for today. we're told everything is supposed to resume tomorrow, but a dramatic legal drama unfolding today, wolf. >> how did it get to this point where the trial had to be postponed for the whole day? >> reporter: well, essentially it was from the get-go from what we saw yet in his opening statements, the first thing that major hasan declared "i am the shooter." it was clear from the outset he wouldn't be putting on any kind of defense. throughout the day, some dozen witnesses testified major hasan didn't really cross-examine anyone, only had a few questions, didn't raise any
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objections, so it was clear to those attorneys who are assigned to help him through this, that he wasn't going to be putting up much of a defense when it came to arguing his guilt or innocence in this case. he made it clear from the beginning that he was guilty of this crime. >> he said basically he wanted to protect the taliban from the u.s. military in afghanistan. that's why he said he went out and killed 13 troops, and 31 other. ed is covering the trial for us. we'll stay in close touch. an important milestone today for the three women recovering from horrible crimes. mary snow is monitoring that. and the other top stories in "the situation room" right now. mary, what do you have? >> wolf, in cleveland this morning, demolition crews tore down the house where ariel castro held three capital kidnapped women. one of the women michel knight stopped by and gave some of the onlookers yellow means to show
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solidarity for others. a fire heavily damaged the international terminal it nairobi's airport today. kenyans authorities are worried about potential harm to the tourism airport. the nairobi airport is one of the east african's major hubs. things are getting testy. check out this exchange between anthony weiner and republican george mcdonald. >> i heard what you want. >> really? >> now new yorkers have to get through at least another month of name-calling form the problem which will narrow down the field of candidates is september 10th. >> thank you, mary.
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coming up a troubling development that may make it easy to catch a deadly form of the flu. also details of a near-death accident involving usher's son. it's a restart of the custody battle between the singer and his ex-wife. we have the latest. stay with us, you're in "the situation room." sfx: birds chirping sfx: birds chirping see lioutdoors, or in.ight. transitions® lenses automatically filter just the right amount of light. so you see everything the way it's meant to be seen. maybe even a little better. visit your eyecare professional today to ask about our newest lenses, transitions vantage and transitions xtractive lenses. experience life well lit. ask which transitions adaptive lens is best for you.
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got stuck in a swimming people the aunt who was in charge called 911, and a pair of workmen actually pulled the little boy out of the pool. he was conscious, alert and breathing when an ambulance took him. she has more on this custody fight. >> usher's ex-wife is requesting a custody hear. today he sent out a tweet saying i'm so happy my son is doing better, talking, asking for food. thank you for your wishes and prayers. >> a day after. >> is he breathing? >> he's breathing, yes, ma'am. >> the 5-year-old's mother, usher's ex-wife filed this motion, seeking an emergency
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custody hearing. it's the latest develop. usher and tameka were divorced just two years later. the boy's mother says there's been, quote, a substantial change in circumstance materially affecting the welfare of the minor children. and that, quote, the minor children are at risk while in the care of -- the filing cites the near drowning of the 5-year-old. it sell hess was left in the pool unsupervised. in family law cases, how a litigant handles lit gag is often a relevant factor to consider. for example, in this situation, it appears the child was -- when
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she signed the avenue and filed the motion. i think it will be an argument that the mother is showing poor judgment action and spending her time and resources litigating. without the industry of --. >> now, raymond would not comment on the motion or calls to usher's attorney and his publicist. meanwhile, the hearing on that motion is said for friday asp and we're told they're both expected to be in court. wolf? >> thanks very much. still ahead here in "the situation room," a troubling development that may make it much easier to catch a deadly form of the flu. two top doctors, including our dr. sanjay gupta, they're both here in "the situation room." plus oprah winfrey oscar contender? stay with us and see why that could happen. it's not a candy bar. 130 calories
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happening now, a very worrisome development involving a deadly strain of the flu. stay with us for what you need to know. a poplar psychology teacher scary past just caught up with him. it puts officials and the university on the spot. oprah winfrey sits down for a rare interview. that sound in the background might be oscar buzz. i'm wolf blitzer. a you are in "the situation room."
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right now there are new worries about what the world health organization calls one of the most lethal strains of flu to appear in recent years. it's a form of bird flu that until now only rarely spread to humans. for the first time scientists now say they have documented a case of human to human transmission in china. and joining us now our chief medical correspondent dr. sanjay gupta and the director of the national institution of allergy and infective diseases at the national institutes of health here in the nation's capital. thanks to both of you for joining us. sanjay, quickly, what do you make of this worrisome development? >> well, you know, i think it's concerning, though maybe not time to sound the alarm bells, you know, quite yet. you have 134 pieces of this h 7
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n 9. people don't have to remember the numbers, but it's not the same bird flu we talk about about ten years ago. it's a different type of bird flu, one that's showing up this year. of those people, about 43 people have died. now, two of the people are -- this father and this daughter. we know that the father interacted with the poultry, but the daughter never did, and she still got infected. so they genetically tested the virus and found it did in fact spread from father to daughter. so it's a documented case of human transmission. that's what people are looking for. let me point out, wolf. this man also had contact with at least 43 other people, as far as that investigation, and they did not become infected. so this virus does spread from human to human. we documented that, but it doesn't seem to have it easily, at least not according to this word. >> how wired should americans
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be? could this possibly spread to the united states? >> certainly there's a possibility. right now this very inefficiently goes from chickens to humans. there's only been 144 cases, as sanjay manipulationed, but the interesting thing is, as we've seen with our bird flus that jump species from the chicken to the human, it can go rarely from human to human, but it's not sustained. it looks like in this particular case from the father to the daughter, that it was a one-off, because it went to her. as sanjay said, they investigated very closely 43 other individuals who had close contact, and it did not spread. that's what we call a lack of sustained transmission. if it stays that way, then things will be clearly much less worrisome than if it started to be a sustained strain. >> i know sanjay has a question
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for you. >> the doctor is a guy we always call and ask these questions to, but i'm curious, when you heard about this report, this case actually happened back in march, what sort of preparations do go on at your level, at the suns federal government level for possible preparations? >> well, the preparations are, you know, already having the virus in a seed form to start making a vaccine if necessary. so we're already in the process not necessarily at all of mass producing a vaccine, but the early processes of getting a seed for a vaccine to be able to make it, and if we need to stockpile it, to stockpile it. also taking a look at the sensitivity to the currently available antivirals. that's been tested, to make sure that if fact if we do have an outbreak, we have drugs to be able to treat them. these kinds of preparations at the level of the cdc, and fda
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and nih and w.h.o., are all ongoing as we speak. >> does it appear to be sensitive to tamiflu, one of the common antivirals? >> in general, yes, there's been one ice lat that's been shown to in fact have resistance. you have to be careful, when you only have a single isolate that's rhoadesian, that doesn't mean all of them will be resistant, but it certainly does have the capability, but that's not something, given the small number of cases we have seen and the lack of transmissibility. it's certainly something we want to keep an eye on. >> are there certainly groups of people who seem to be more susceptible to this particular flu than others? >> well, you know, it's very interesting, wolf. we don't have definitive proof that there's a genetic predisposition, but it's curious that we know that it's likely that many, many people are exposed to this particularly
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when you have a considerable number of chickens that are infected, yet very, very few people get infected. that suggests by by no means proves there may be some genetic predisposition to the susceptibility to getting infected, but it's a good suggestion. >> excellent discussion, good information, i know dr. anthony fauci, thank you very much. and dr. sanjay gupta, thank to you as well. we'll stay on top of the story. threat's hope it stays as remote as it appears to be right now. and just ahead, a popular psychology professor with a deadly secret buried in his decent past. now the secret is revealed. and $4125 million. you won't believe the odds against winning. that's the latest coming up. she may be muddling through allergies. try zyrtec®. powerful allergy relief for adults and kids six years and older.
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all of us can certainly remember a favorite teacher, so you can imagine what students, parents and university officials are feeling when they learn the shocking details of a popular psychology professor's very early life. those details include murder charges and insanity. cnn's ted rowlands has the story. >> reporter: august 4th, 1967, inside this home in georgetown, texas police found the bodies of a college professor, his wife and their 17-year-old daughter. within hours, 15-year-old james walcott admitted he killed his family, using this .22 caliber rifle. walcott told police he hated his parents and sister, and claimed
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he had been sniffing glue the weeks before he murdered them. the story sent shockwaves through the small town and made headlines around the country. the next year james walcott was tried as an adult, but was found not guilty by reason of insanity. seven years after that, in 1974, he was deemed sane and set free. after that wohl cot seemed to just disappear until a texas newspaper reporter tracked him down here in the central illinois town of decatur where he's been teaching psychology at mill i kin university for the past 27 years. here he is now, his name is dr. james st. james, the head of the psych department at mill i kin, and a student favorite. >> very intelligent, he can lecture for hours without notes. he just knows everything off the top of his head. >> reporter: some people are upset saying james didn't tell the university about his past,
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councilman jerry said -- if i were a parent, that's something i would want to know. the university, though, is standing by st. james, saying given the traumatic experiences of his childhood, dr. st. james' effort to rebuild his life and obtain a successful professional career have been remarkable. there are some people who want him to step down. what are yew thoughts? >> i think he should stay. he's been a great professor. he has no reason to leave unless he does somebody here, you know? he has no reason to step down. >> reporter: we tried to contact st. james, who is now 61, at his home, and by e-mail, but got no response. even with his secret now out, the university is expecting him to be back in the classroom when school resumes at the end of the month. ted rowlands, cnn, decatur, illinois. "the chicago tribune" did make contact with st. james.
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he would not comment except to say he planned to return to work. up next, after 15 years, oprah winfrey returns to the big screen. she sits down with cnn's initial turner to talk about her new movie. and the succeed of her own cable network. and the players clear the benches, two teams get ready to fight, but the only brawl takes place on twitter. that's coming up. uldn't have coe at a better time. these chevys are moving fast. i'll take that malibu. yeah excuse me, the equinox in atlantis blue is mine! i was here first, it's mine. i called about that one, it's mine. mine! mine. it's mine. it's mine. mine. mine. mine. mine. it's mine! no it's not, it's mine! better get going, it's chevy model year-end event. [ male announcer ] the chevy model year-end event. the 13s are going fast, time to get yours. current chevy truck owners can trade up to this chevy silverado all-star edition with a total value of $9,000.
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hot shots. in england the surfing competition heats up. in mexico my grass ride atop train cars. and in berlin, 1600 panda sculptures decorate a square at the main train station. hot shots, pictures from around the world. oprah winfrey is making a major comeback to the big screen. she starts in "the butler" about an african-american who witnessed three decades of history while working at the white house. cnn's entertainment correspondent nischelle turner caught many with oprah for a rare one-on-one interview. >> reporter: so your first dramatic role in 15 years. and you believe it. >> i mean, really, what made me say yes? >> that's my question. >> especially i was going through building o.w.n., and thank goodness we were at least headed in the right direction
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for that. i said to, lee, this is the absolute worst time you could ask me to do anything, and, you know, he just would not take no for an answer president i think one of the reasons why there's so much still linkers prejudice and racism is because we don't get to see people as ourselves. so this was an opportunity, i thought, to let the world feel the heart of a butler, the heart of this period, that really was a defining period in the lives of many black people, but also our nation. >> reporter: i was going to say, will this generation that sees the movie, do you think they'll get cecil? >> i -- you know what i hope this generation looks and sees, they see their own fathers. that's what i hope they look and see. they see their own fathers, and recognize they were different ways of being a warrior. that moment in the film where
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cecil gaines goes in and says the white help is making more than the black help here action and i think that's not fair, and we should get equal pay. that is his way of warring. under the circumstances. >> reporter: the conversation that's had about race, we're still having that conversation today. i think we'll be having that conversation for a long time, because, you know, all of this, conversations about race, conversations about profiling, is really about our march to humanity. it's about our march to not fearing one another, and i think when you don't have stories and you don't have a placement in the culture where people can see there's a whole tapestry -- you know, one of the reason why i love this film and wanted to be a part of it is because of the tenderness between the -- of the husband and wife, and the tenderness and nurturing nature of a middle-class family. so many images.
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>> reporter: i had never seen that before. >> i know you hadn't. isn't that just shocking? when i ask other people, white people, black people, when have you seen tenderness and honor and respect and people who have been together and they can finish each other's sentences, and see the caring. the caring in that family happens not just when they're in bed together, cecil and gloria, but when they're sitting at the table and finishing each other's sentences. >> in the heat of the night. you can feel that. do you feel like you still experience racism? >> nobody's going to come up to me and call me the n-word unless they're on twitter and i can't find them. >> twitter thugs are something elsivities the twitter thugs. i've learned to leave the twitter thugs alone. unless it's something
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ridiculous, nobody is going to do it, but i experience racism in ways that you experience when you have reached a level where people can't call you to your face, you know -- i experience it through people's expectations and lack thereof. i use it to my advantage. it's a wonderful thing when people count you out, because they think you can't do something. i always say there there's a poem by maya angelou called "our grandmothers" there's a line that says when i walk into the room, i come as one, but i stand as 10,000. so when i walk into the room and i'm the only one standing in there, i'm the only one, it doesn't bother me a bit. >> i just ask you quickly about the good news you got earlier this week, that o.w.n. is going to turn a profit six months ahead -- >> thank you for that. everyone told me it would take
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five years, but i think because it was my name on the channel, there was an expectation that people were just going to automatically turn on the tv, and even though nothing was there, they were going to sit there and watch nothing. so we had to build the channel. i always believed that it was going to take some time. what threw me off was when i finished the show, and everybody said, why isn't it done yesterday? what i do when the going gets rough, there's no such thing as quitting. i have to -- i sit with myself. i go inside and i say, all right, what is the next? what do i need to do to turn this around? that's what we did. we did. not i, but my team. sherry, solada, eric, we had many, many nights -- and honey, jesus was at the table. jesus was at that table.
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that's why we're moving forward, because jesus was at the table. >> thank you. >> thank you very much. nischelle is joining us. excellent interview, nischelle. you have seen the movie. i think you've seen it what, twice, already, is it as good as the critics say in. >> the first time i saw it is because i knew i was going to sit down with oprah. i saw it a couple of weeks earlier. the day before i was to sit down with her. i wanted to see it again so i could have it fresh in my mind. it's a movie definitely with a message. that's going to get a lot of people talking. and it will generate a lot of buzz. you know, oprah hasn't done a movie for 15 years. a dramatic role, and i have not seen her surrender to a role like she does with this one. since she was sophia in "the color purple" and she got an oscar nomination for that.
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so she's really good in this role and forrest whittaker is understated and elegant. there's so many superstars in this movie. robin williams place dwight eisenhower. liev schreiber is in it. eugene allen is the butler's real name. in the movie, cecil gaines serves seven presidents, eight presidencies, john cusak plays president nixon you've covered the white house since president ford? >> gerald ford, yes, and i've seen a lot of staff people at the white house over those many years as well. >> i have to tell you, you could be the eugene allen of cnn. because that means you've had gerald ford, jimmy carter, ronald reagan, h.w. bush, w. bush, president obama and bill clinton, that's seven, you've been here. >> are you going to check out my
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next motion picture? >> i've seen you in about -- >> you've saw me in "skyfall." but this saturday night, 9:00 p.m. eastern. on our sister network. hbo, the new larry david film, "clear history" you'll see wolf blitzer in that film. >> i got my popcorn ready. >> i think you'll enjoy it. >> if you like larry david, and who doesn't. >> exactly. >> all right good. want to make sure you're watching. it was thrilling to interview oprah, wasn't it? >> it absolutely was thrilling and she was lovely and she kind of put herself out there. one of the things that really actually made me give me pause was because i didn't expect her to say it when i asked her flat-out, if she still experienced racism. i expected her to say no. but she didn't, she said she does. >> you did a good job, nischelle, help all of us here at cnn. emotions were high when the washington nationals took on the
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rival atlanta braves. the braves are racing towards a penna pennant. the nats got an early home run. but the braves were irritated when bryce harper lingered to enjoy his moment and slowly trotted home and that set the stage for harper's next at-bat. the braves pitcher immediately hit him with an 94-mile-per-hour fastball, harper threw down his bat and started yelling. players were ready do brawl, but there was no brawl. at least not on the field. instead, the two teams fought it out the modern way, they fought it out on twitter. using one of harper's most quoted lines. the braves sent out a tweet saying clown, move, bro. the nationals topped that tweeting which part, giving up the home run or drilling the 20-year-old on the first pitch his next time up? the former braves star, chipper jones jumped in tweeting, don't walk off homers and you won't get hit. it may have been too much
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excitement for chipper. today he sent out what he said was his last tweet. i guess that makes him a twitter quitter. we'll see what happens the next time the braves play the nats. at the top of the hour, one al qaeda plot is foiled, but the threat against americans remains very real. and the $425 million jackpot is extraordinary. but guess what, so are the odds. to healthcare r written by people just like you. no company can pay to be on angie's list, so you can trust what you're reading. angie's list is like having thousands of close neighbors, where i can go ask for personal recommendations. that's the idea. before you have any work done, check angie's list. find out why more than two million members count on angie's list. angie's list -- reviews you can trust. i love you, angie. sorry, honey.
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some places where you're more likely to win. than other, at least statistically. not really. if you look at the states out there. some states have produced more winners. indiana, huge, missouri, minnesota, pennsylvania, kentucky, they produced a lot of winners. statistically, are people more likely to win there? no, it has to do with a combination of the numbers and how many people played in those places. there are lucky states, just because that's happened to be the way it goes. there are also lucky numbers out there. these are the numbers that have most often produced winners, 23, 8, 26, 36, 56 and the powerball, 29. not necessarily in this combination. just these are the numbers most often associated with winners. if you won the jackpot, show us what you could buy with all that money. >> could you buy things with this. $245 million. a lump sum. let's say you don't have any taxes, you could buy a bugatti veyron, the fastest production car in the world.
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they go 250 miles per hour. you could buy 98 of them. you could get an elizabeth taylor diamond, with a car like that, a lot of people are going to be interested in you. you can get 27 of those, or if you want, you could actually go and rent the country of lichtenstein for an entire month. although i think any pay-per-view movies or use of the mini bar will cost you more. >> always does. statistically the odds are what, we did some math. about one in 175 million? >> those are your chances of actually winning. so they're not very good. i want to compare them with other things you should think about. for example if you were to be wanting to win the lottery, you have a 15 times better chance of being attacked by a shark. you have a 29 times better chance of being attacked by a swarm of bees and you have a 58 times better chance of being hit by lightning. but, but, that's all about the big prize you might win a little prize along the way, wolf, so the odds are against you, but the payoff is very, very big.
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>> lets see what happens later tonight. thank you. happening now -- day four of an extraordinary shutdown in u.s. embassy, some critics say the obama administration is now overreacting to the new terror threats. we'll have a serious debate on the subject. plus mitt romney takes sides on a widening split in his own party. his warning about drastic action to try to destroy obama care. and the president's late-night confession about a tense relationship that blossomed into a bro-mance. we want to welcome our viewers from the united states and around the world. i'm wolf blitzer and you're in "the situation room." up first this hour, new efforts to put the squeeze on al qaeda. amid fears that an attack against the american targets may be in the works. the government of yemen says it's foiled an al qaeda plot to
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capture strategic ports in that country. the fight against terror is more urgent in yemen right now as al qaeda affiliates grow more powerful and more dangerous. our foreign affairs correspondent with jill doherty is following the threats including the u.s. response and is joining us now. jill? >> well wolf, the administration has its hands full right now with the terror attack. monitoring intelligence on al qaeda affiliates and trying to hit them before they strike. the response to the terror threat, drone strikes. five in yemen, in just the past ten days. a source telling cnn the strikes took out regional al qaeda members but no leaders. yemeni forces an al qaeda plot to capture oil and gas facilities and seize two key southern ports. >> there was a large operation discovered that appears to have been targeting liquid gas stations. >> but u.s. officials do not
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believe the plot is linked to the overall threat the u.s. is dealing with. president obama telling troops at camp pendleton. >> al qaeda affiliates and like-minded extremists are threatening the homeland. still threaten the businesses abroad. and we've got to take the threats seriously. and do all we can to confront them. >> 19 u.s. embassies and consulates in 16 countries are still closed through saturday. including the embassy in yemen. >> we're keeping did closed to keep our people safe and because we believe that a threat remains. >> a former ambassador to iraq says the large number of closed embassies means there are additional threats from al qaeda fuelled by a wave of political unrest in the arab world. >> when there are divisions within the arab world, they try to focus on, on what they consider the root of the problem, that is the united
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states and so i think al qaeda is trying to show leadership in attacking u.s. targets. >> now the administration does continue to insist that it has decimated almost all of the leadership of al qaeda. but they freely admit that that leaves younger members, less experienced members, and they may, they are running these al qaeda affiliates. they may be less experienced, wolf. but that long list of closed embassies is proof of how deadly they really can be. >> they're very precise when they say they've decimated the leadership of al qaeda, they always add the phrase, the core leadership, the al qaeda core, meaning the al qaeda that was responsible for 9/11, not necessarily all of these affiliate groups, the supporting groups that have emerged since then, jill dougherty reporting for us, thank you. questions are being raised about the obama administration's response to the latest terror threat. some applauded say insisting
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they're playing it safe. but others like the veteran journalist, ted koppel say the u.s. may routinely over-react to terrorism. writing in the "wall street journal," an opinion piece, he wrote this -- we have created an economy of fear, an industry of fear. a national psychology of fear. al qaeda could never have achieved that on its own. we have inflicted it on ourselves. ted koppel going on to say, nothing would give our terrorists enemies greater satisfaction than that we focus obsessively on the remote possibility and restrict our lives and liberties accordingly. let's talk about it with the former homeland secretary, michael churtoff. do you agree with ted koppel that we've done the work of al qaeda by creating this
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atmosphere of fear? >> i don't. i respect ted koppel as a journalist. but he never had the responsibility of having american lives on his shoulders and i think you have to understand that when you're president or a senior leader in the government and you have that responsibility. there's a different lens that you use. i think the reaction to boston is a good example. it was swift. i don't think people became overly panicked and they took it seriously and we gotten into a place where people do take it seriously, but are not hysterical. >> you were september cal about the over-reaction to some of the critics are calling it. does ted koppel has a good point? >> i think he has a good point. even though he wasn't responsible for the lives of americans, we have seen over the last week, we have closed embassies, warned americans all over the world and basically said that al qaeda is so powerful and pervasive around
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the world that they could do this to us anywhere, any time. >> when you see tv images of tanks in front of u.s. embassies, because al qaeda said we might do something to you, somewhere, some time, i know the concern of wanting to protect the facility, but on the other hand, those images being displayed worldwide play into their hands. >> do you agree? >> you've got to separate two things. i think it was understandable that you have a general warning. again we haven't seen the full measure of the intelligence out there. but there are a lot of satellite groups, a lot of people in the network. what i think may is been a mistake was actually closing answers as opposed to increasing security and the reason for that is when you close them, you have to reopen them. it's the same problem we had back in the day of the color code, it's easier to go up to orange than come down from orange. they may have boxed themselves in a little bit with respect to the actual closures.
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>> on the other hand, the argument is you don't want to have a double standard. you don't want to alert the emergency personnel diplomats that there's a serious threat out there and not necessarily tell the american public to go to that to see there is this kind of threat. >> the problem is we've had this threat for going on decades. long before 9/11. we were attacked in embassies, the two african embassies that were bombed in 1998, the "cole" that was bombed in the harbor in yemen in 2000, and the 2001 attack. could you go back to the world trade center 1 in 1993. so al qaeda trying to do an attack whether it was under previous leadership now dead or under zawahiri, that's been a threat we've faced all this time and they can continue to issue these threats. >> you've suggested that al qaeda may be more dangerous, more threatening. now, than it was let's say 15 years ago. what do you mean by that?
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we've got a new generation, many of them are battle-hardened. they've seen combat in iraq, they've seen combat in syria. they've learned to enhance their techniques in bomb-making coming out of yemen and the tactics are changing. so we've oriented ourselves to preventing another 9/11 which is important and we need to look at what the next tactic may be. and it may in fact be more widely dispersed than anything we've seen previously. >> this is al qaeda more of a threat to the united states today than it was on the eve of 9/11? >> it's a different threat than 9/11. >> they cause that kind of damage, blow up a world trade center today? >> no, i don't think they could i don't think they have the ability to finance it. to do the training, the selection, the administrative command and control to execute that. their changing strategy is, but in a way they couldn't top what they did in 9/11 and 2001. now they've shifted to realizing that the american people will not tolerate even one or two
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people being killed. much less 3,000. >> could they do another 9/11 today? >> i think it would be very hard for them. we've built up a strong architecture to defend ourselves against that kind of an attack. but you still have to look at american interests overseas, you have to look at the possibility of numerous small attacks, like you saw in mumbai several years ago or the boston marathon. so it's not the same catastrophic threat. but it is a threat that may be multiplying globally. >> a lot of u.s. officials are deeply concerned. including the outgoing deputy director of the c.i.a. in the interview he gave to the "wall street journal," he's deeply concerned that al qaeda could get their hands on some of syria's chemical or biological weapons and who knows what they might do then. and libya, we saw some of those surface-to-air missiles get out and that can be very dangerous. >> thanks very much. up next, senators mccain and graham try to help ease the crisis in egypt.
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now they fear a new round of bloodshed and one of america's best-known pastors is a target for online scammers trying to cash in on his personal tragedy.
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military-backed leaders may be preparing for a dangerous new crackdown on the supporters of the ousted president mohammed morsi. the country's interim government have ended talks saying diplomats failed to broker a deal. cnn's international correspondent arwa damon is joining us from cairo. arwa, how bad is the situation right now? >> it's pretty tense, wolf. the pro morsi demonstrators are readying themselves for the crackdown. we were down at one of the camps earlier. they fortified the barricades, they had piles of rocks ready and they also have large barrels of water. and they were saying that they
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believe that they were going to have to make this final attempt. it's clear that any sort of international mediation effort has completely failed as the government was putting it itself. speaking about senator mccain and graham's visit here. well it really only managed to further aggravate the situation and anger just about every single egyptian when it comes to the united states and their perspective on america. it also centers on use of the word "coup." many of those who support the military-backed interim government do not view this as being a coup. and it really irritates them when the americans refer to it as that. when it comes to the pro morsi supporters, they feel as if the u.s. hasn't gone far enough when it comes to standing behind them, wolf. >> the notion of a real compromise being worked out by the new military-backed government and on the other hand, the muslim brotherhood, those supporting mohammed morsi. the notion of a compromise seems fairly remote right now, i take it.
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did most certainly is, one must say this is novel terrain for all parties who are involved. when it comes to the muslim brotherhood, it would be very difficult for them to accept everything that's happened over the last month. given their grassroots supporters, the people partaking in the sit-in, continue to hold onto the demand that deposed president morsi somehow return to power and it would be very difficult for them to appease their grassroots and retain the support base that they have of what they're viewed as giving in too much when it comes to this interim government and the military. well the military historically in dealing with situations like this, would really want to go in guns blazing, it clearly cannot do that it's clearly trying to navigate this tightrope between military tactics that it's been used to for decades and politics and because of how novel this terrain is, it does also seem to
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a certain extent, that neither side is really sure exactly how to play it. moving forward. which only contributes to the tensions that exist here, wolf. >> arwa damon, watching the situation unfold in cairo. thanks very much. president obama personally asked senator john mccain and senator lindsay graham to travel to egypt. another sign of his cozier relationship with his former rival, senator john mccain. he was asked about his bromance with senator john mccain last night during his appearance on jay leno. >> initially you're not getting along and you keep on bumping into each other. >> what changed? who saw the light? >> john mccain and i have you know, a number of philosophical differences but he is a person of integrity. he is willing to say things
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regardless of the politics, the fact that he worked hard with a group of democratic and republican senators on immigration reform, they passed a bill in the senate that will make sure that folks were here illegally have to pay back taxes and have to make, pay a penalty and get to the back of the line. but over time, have a pathway to citizenship. make sure we're strengthening our borders, he went ahead and passed that, even though there were some question on his own part. >> the president added he wished more republicans would be like senator mccain, stand for something. but then he joked, it's probably not necessarily such a great idea for him to say such nice things about senator mccain on national television. up next, a grim twist to the manhunt for two children and the man suspected of killing their mother, details of what investigators found in this house. plus, we're inside north korea, capturing images the country doesn't want you to see. this is a cnn exclusive.
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desperate plea from the father of a missing california girl, believed to have been kidnapped by the man who kill her mother and now officials suspect, her 8-year-old brother, kidnapped as well. maybe dead. cnn's paul ver cammen is in san diego and watching what's going on. what are you hearing about the 8-year-old brother? >> well, law enforcement officials have told us that the remains found inside the charred remains found inside the home are consistent with those of an 8-year-old boy. also last night at this vigil,
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wolf, some relatives were talking in the past tense about that little boy. ethan. and as you pointed out, wolf, the father make an emotional plea for his daughter -- >> the father to hannah and ethan, husband to tina. this gentleman that was a friend of ours for a long time, has taken everything. hannah will come back, and ethan and tina, i love you both. we all love you. >> and the father also saying last night to his daughter, if she could hear him, hannah, if you get a chance, run. not only has dimaggio been awol
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for three days now, but back in 1995, he did plead guilty to a misdemeanor of fleeing a police officer, so he would be considered a great flight risk. today, a judge issuing an arrest warrant for dimaggio and along with it, should he be arrested, a $1 million bond, wolf. >> there's a nationwide manhunt under way. what else are police saying about the suspect? are they receiving any tips or leads? this amber alert that went out on virtually everybody's cell phone in california? >> they've expanded this search well beyond the borders of california, wolf. they've enlisted u.s. marshals, the fbi and contacted mexican authorities and are close to the mexican border. they want all hands on deck and are hoping just someone will spot that picture of dimaggio or the 16-year-old girl, and make a call to authorities and end this search. >> let's hope that happens, paul
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verkammen. thank you. up next, mitt romney jumps into a heated debate dividing the republican party. could affect the next election. stand by for that. and president obama speaks out about russia's new anti-gay laws, another thorn in his relationship with moscow. [ male announcer ] this is bob, a regular guy with an irregular heartbeat. the usual, bob? not today. [ male announcer ] bob has afib: atrial fibrillation not caused by a heart valve problem, a condition that puts him at greater risk for a stroke. [ gps ] turn left. i don't think so. [ male announcer ] for years, bob took warfarin, and made a monthly trip to the clinic to get his blood tested. but not anymore. bob's doctor recommended a different option: once-a-day xarelto®. xarelto® is the first and only once-a-day prescription blood thinner
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for more information including cost support options, i'to guard their manhood with trnew depend shields and guards. the discreet protection that's just for guys. now, it's your turn. get my training tips at happening now, mitt romney jumps into a republican spat. taking sides against some would-be presidential
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contenders, is he helping to make a split in the party even witder? plus the paster rick warren falls victim to online scammers trying to cash in on a tragedy in his family. and real life in the north korean countryside. cnn is there to pull back the curtain and show you some images the government of north korea does not want you to see. i'm wolf blitzer, you're in the "situation room." mitt romney has a new warning for republicans in a rare return to the political stage. the 2012 presidential nominee is cautioning against the idea of forcing a government shutdown to stop funding for obama care. romney is taking sides in a widening split over the shutdown strategy. some of the gop's biggest names are involved, including some 2016 presidential prospects. here's our national political correspondent, jim acosta. >> wolf, before health care
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reform became law, tea party republicans clashing with democrats at rowdy town hall meetings. his days, it's republican lawmakers starting to get an earful from conservative activists calling for a government shutdown to stop obama care. >> when you make a stand, get back on board. >> shut down the government. >> do you think harry reid is going do pass that? the senate? >> it's the tea party battle cry of 2013 -- defund obama care even if it means shutting down the government. at this town hall meeting, freshman republican congressman, robert pittinger was pressed on whether he would join the conservative movement's latest cause. >> yes or no? >> i want the thoughtful answer. >> i want yes or no. >> no. >> a response he defend dodd cnn. >> the reality is, that if we go and we say we're willing to take a government shutdown unless we
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repeal obama care, the reality is, we will lose that vote and obama care will survive it. why would we go about a strategy that is doomed to failure? i think it would be politically disastrous. >> tell that to tea party favorite and texas senator, ted cruz. >> a lot of republicans are nervous about this fight. they're nervous about being blamed for a government shutdown. >> cruz told the conservative heritage foundation that the price paid by republicans in the 1995 government shutdown has been exaggerated. >> it is perceived wisdom in washington that the 1995 government shutdown was a terrible loss for republicans and we should never go there again. i don't believe the evidence supports that conclusion. >> and the world didn't end. >> but at a closed fundraiser, former gop presidential candidate, mitt romney, urged conservatives to hold on. we need to exercise great care about any talk of shutting down
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government. what would come next, when soldiers rnd aren't paid, when seniors fear for their medicare and social security and when the fbi is off-duty. a sentiment echoed by a growing number of top republicans. >> a shutdown would provide uncertainty to the employers of our country and specifically here in the state. >> democrats recall how the 1995 shutdown damaged then house speaker newt gingrich and helped bill clinton win re-election. but that doesn't mean they want history to repeat itself. >> it might be conventional wisdom that we ought to be cheering on the crazies, but i'm not sure in this instance, particularly since it's around this really important health care achievement. i'm not sure in this instance, that conventional wisdom holds. >> a dozen senators signing on to a letter by utah republican mike lee. a cruz spokesman released a statement saying the senator
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believes if republicans stand up for principle, they can win this debate. wolf? >> jim acosta, thanks very much. let's dig deep near the republican party divide. we're joined by cnn political analyst, the republican strategist, anna navarro and dan holler, the communications director of heritage action for america. anna, let me start with you. you think the strategy that a mike lee or a senator cruz putting forward is suicidal for the gop. explain why. >> you know i'm not sure it's suicidal and i don't like those kind of dramatic words being used. i think it's one of things we have to do as a party. be more collegial to each other and ratchet down these very dramatic and personal attacks that are being waged amongst and between republicans. we're putting on a spectacle that's frankly not benefitting republicans. it's benefitting democrats. we have got to learn to disagree without want doing take each other out because we disagree as
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republicans. it's something, diversity of thought in the republican party, is is a good thing. and it's something that we have to learn to live with. i think this is good for ted cruz and mike lee and rand paul. because it gives them a higher profile, it gives them a cause, they are rebels with a cause. it allows them to build up their fundraising list and it ends up being all about raising their profile. yet, we have to think about what's best for the nation. and this is not it. >> you agree with those, dan, you agree with the ted cruzs, the rand pauls, you're willing to see a government shutdown, in order to try to defund obama care. >> i think what mike lee and ted cruz and heritage to action are saying we're happy to fund the government. we'll pass a fupding bill and urge house republicans to do it as soon as we get back in september. but we don't want to fund obama care. it's a powerful case we can make to the american people that the law is not being implemented as barack obama said it would. people are having their hours cut, losing their jobs, they
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might lose their doctors, insurance premiums are going up. we can stop that if we defund the law. if we make the case and make it over august and into september, we can achieve real victories. >> you would see the government shut down if you fail, if the president were to veto any such legislation. probably would not even get to his desk because it certainly wouldn't pass the senate where the democrats have the majority. >> mike lee said i made a huge mistake after the election saying we need a plan b. i made a mistake. we passed our tax extenders for everybody in august, i should have said, okay, harry reid, okay, president obama what's your plan. they've been down the road once before and realize th. >> you don't have the votes in the senate, right? >> i don't think anybody knows what's possible in the senate until you try. that's one of the things that the republicans in congress haven't tried. >> is this a dream, that dan and some others have that they can pass legislation that would
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defund obama care? the president obviously would veto any such legislation. but go ahead and respond to it. >> if it's a dream, it's an irresponsible one. i think it's far more closer to demagoguery than it is to a dream. it also is showing very much lack of understanding of the political consequences and consequences on the nation. of a shutdown. there is going to be no defunding of obama care. let's face it, they are the majority in the senate. they have the presidency. we all agree and we should keep our eye on that. practically, every republican agrees that obama care is a disaster and we all want to see it fixed. or repealed. some of us think the best way to get tharnd is to elect more senators to elect more republicans and to have the votes to be able to do it. but today, we don't. and forcing and talking and threatening about a government shutdown and threatening other republicans is not the way to go about winning more seats. >> the only people talking about
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a government shutdown are president obama and a handful of republican senators who don't want a fight on obama care. if you look at the republican senators talking about this, tom coburn, bob corker, they're the ones negotiating on the white house on a fiscal bargain, a grabbed deal. they don't want to be distracted by fighting on obama care. they want to try to make nice with the white house and find a big deal they can rally behind. >> they don't want to suffer the political consequences that newt gingrich and the republicans suffered in 1995 when the government was shut down. he was the white house correspondent for cnn. that was the beginning of the re-election of bill clinton as president of the united states. because most americans blamed the republicans, newt gingrich and the republicans for that government shutdown. they hated it. >> but nobody looks at the policies that came out of it, right? you could not have had welfare reform. >> we're talking about politics, the political fallout for the gop was a disaster. >> in march of 2011 paul ryan said about the government shutdown. he said we need to stop talking about 0 politics and start
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talking about what's right for the country. >> the notion that this is just, you're living in a dream world, we just heard from anna. what say you? >> i think all of these republicans go out and say we'll do whatever it takes to defund and stop obama care. it's kind of like the old meetloaf song "i'll do anything, but i won't do that." they're not willing to do what it takes to stop obama care and we're running out of time. >> anna, you have the last word. >> i don't know what to say about that. i go back to telling you, it is bordering on demagoguery. they know they don't have the votes this is just doing you know, a cause to be able to give them themselves a higher profile. including organizations like heritage, which is fine. i get it. i get the joke. but it's a cost to the entire party and the nation. >> we're happy to see an alternative plan to stop obama care, but there's not one out there yet. >> obama care is the law of the land, passed the house and the senate. signed by the president into law. the supreme court said it was totally constitutional as you remember and then the president
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was re-elected. so it is the law of the land. >> but house republicans were elected in 2010 and maintain their majority in 2012 with the express purpose of stopping the implementation. and they have to decide whether they're going to go along and get along or stand up and fight to try to stop the law. >> i suspect most of the republicans will want to get along as opposed to wanting to see the government shut down. but we'll see. >> and i think most of the nation wants to see us get along. >> good debate, thanks very much to both of you for coming in. up next, scammers trying to cash in on rick warren's personal tragedy and he's not alone.
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one of america's best-known
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pastors is among of the latest victims of online scammers and they're trying to cash in on his personal tragedy. we're talking about rick warren. cnn's mary snow is working the story. mary, what's happening? >> what rick warren has been grieving his son's death, he's been sharing his story on social media as well as helping those suffering from mental illness. it's such a painful time. he's also having to ward off online scammers targeting his supporters. >> pastor rick warren was warmly embraced when he recently returned to the pulpit for the first time. since his 27-year-old son matthew committed suicide in april. warren, author of the best-selling book, the purpose-driven life is now making it his mission to fight against the stigma of mental illness. as part of the effort, the sad theback church, when he founded set up a fund and warren credits his family, particularly his daughter, for providing strength. >> i am in a family of spiritual
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redwoods. i mean they are giants of faith. it is a rock-solid family and actually when matthew died, amy said, you know, daddy, she said satan picked the wrong family to pick on, he's going to lose big-time on this one. >> but as he grieves along with his family, warren is also finding himself dealing with a different kind of fight. once against scammers. he wrote on his facebook page tuesday, 179 of over 200 fake rick warren facebook pages created by scammers to make money on my son's death have now been shut down. we're still working on the rest. thanks to you friends for reporting them. >> pastor warren has declined interview requests since his son's death. but others like joel osteen have been targeted in the past and
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the head of an evangelical association says he's seen these scams. >> people see the name and they click friend or like and then the people, the criminals you know begin to sort of reach out to people who are trusting that they're hearing from a trusted christian leader. i think it's important that people always recognize that there's a lot of eem people in the world, and the evil people do evil things. >> while facebook will shut down pages once alerted, stetzer says scammers change the profiles so the pages look real. it was the postings that raised red flags. >> the posts were not like i would post and second airily. they began to contact people and those people said that doesn't sound like you at all. >> we reached out to facebook and a spokesperson told us that the company can take action on fraudulent pages like these. when they're reported by users, the advice they offer people is that if they discover a page that is suspicious, report it to
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facebook. wolf? >> thank you. up next, cnn gives you an exclusive look at life inside north korea, life that government official there is don't want you to see. assist. this is ann. where would you like to go tonight? ♪ [ male announcer ] it's a golden opportunity to see how lexus effortlessly connects you to where you're going. ♪ come to the golden opportunity sales event and experience the connectivity of lexus enform, available on all lexus models, including the es and rx. ♪ this is the pursuit of perfection. ♪ for the strong and the elegant. for the authentic. for at home and on the go. for pessimists and optimists. for those who love you a little and those who love you a lot. for ultimate flavor and great refreshment with or without calories. for carefree enjoyment. for those who have a lot to say and those who have nothing to add. for those who want to choose and choose. for every generation.
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it's been about two and a half years since my visit to north korea, still rare for foreigners to get into the country. very few travel outside the capital city of pyongyang, cnn's paula hancocks was able do that and brings us an exclusive look at every day life her military minders didn't want her to see. >> driving out of pyongyang i'm
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very aware this is a journey very few foreigners ever make. the high rises give way to lush green farmland. every single field as far as the eye can see has been cultivated. growing maize, wheat and rice, unexpected in a country where a quarter of its children have severe malnutrition, according to the united nations. some crops were damaged by heavy rains which my military minders seemed upset to see. driving three hours north i see men and women working in the fields, but not a single piece of farming machinery. vehicles were rare. a car is a luxury the average north korean cannot afford. we're stopped at a number of military checkpoints, set up because of the heavy rain. >> so basically we're stopped here and one of the main roads out of pyongyang, this is a pretty major road in north korea, it was flooded yesterday because there's been so much heavy rain. and on the other side, half of the road has completely crumbled away. it's dropped maybe 20 foot. >> we drive over this buckled
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bridge very slowly. it collapses the very next day. heavy rain hits the town in an area the regime is for the hotels electricity supply. the next day while filming the swollen river i noticed a small boy fishing with a net. he takes whatever he has caught to a man sitting on the side of the water. nearby a family washes their clothes in the river suggesting running water is a luxury in the region. even the hotel water was not constant. another man brought soap to the river to wash his hair and clothes. then a security official appears from nowhere and tells me to stop filming. we visit the gardens. it is a buddhist temple in north korea which is not something you
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would expect considering the official line in north korea is that they are nonreligious. you can see it is being beautifully preserved. we spoke to the monk. he said there are about 25 monks here and they service about 2,000 people in the local community. tells me people come mainly on buddhist holidays to take part in ceremonies and pray. the only people we saw was a group of school children on the official tour. north korea claims it is tolerant of different religions as shown by the temple. i see two different countries, the tourist view and the poorer view i see through the bus window some of which i am forbidden to film. >> watching another story out of north korea right now and a quick look at top stories. >> north and south korea both
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say they are willing to resume talks aimed a at reopening an important joint industrial zone near the border. north korea closed it in april. 53,000 north koreans work for more than 120 south korean companies at the 9-year-old complex. the international olympic committee is being pressured to condemn russia's anti-gay law. activists delivered a petition with 320,000 signatures to olympic head quarters in switzerland today. president obama spoke about the law on the tonight show. >> you know, i think putin and russia have a big stake in making sure the olympics work. and i think that they understand that for most of the countries that participate in the olympics we wouldn't tolerate gays and
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lesbians being treated differently. they are athletes. they are there to compete. if russia wants to uphold the olympic spirit then every judgment should be made on the track or in the swimming pool or on the balance beam. sexual orientation shouldn't have anything to do with it. >> russian officials have given conflicting messages about whether the law applies to olympic athletes. and george w. bush is back home after his health score. the former president had a stint place yesterday after a blockage was discovered. a new tv channel targets an unreached demographic. we are talking about dogs. 130 calories 7 grams of protein the fiber one caramel nut protein bar.
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could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. yep, everybody knows that. well, did you know some owls aren't that wise? don't forget i'm having brunch with meghan tomorrow. who? meghan, my coworker. who? seriously? you've met her like three times. who? (sighs) geico. fifteen minutes could save you...well, you know.
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good news for dogs. there is a channel just out for them. here is jeanne moos. >> reporter: who would sit and watch three minutes of a dog running through a cornfield? it looks just like you. look. just like you. no wonder it is just like her, it's dog tv. the first television network for dogs has just gone national on direct tv. what's the target demo? >> wherever there is a dog home alone we feel this is the perfect baby sitter. >> been there, done that. >> don't let your dog get lonely. dog tv. >> reporter: the creators said they did three years of research on dog behavior watching video from surveillance cameras set up in 38 apartments to see what
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dogs do when they are alone and how they react to tv. >> we learned a lot of dogs were not happy with the barking noises. >> reporter: romeo, for instance gets so excited his owners can't watch shows on animal planet so dog tv features almost no barking and yus the occasional squeaky toy. they have enhanced certain colors to make them more visible to dogs. there are three types of doggy programming, stimulation, relaxation and exposure to get dogs used to things like car rides and babies and thunderstorms. dog tv costs $5 a month and at least your dog won't have to sit through erectile dysfunction ads. are there commercials? >> commercial free. >> reporter: forget channel s f
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surfi surfing. some think it makes dogs hypertrying to make sense of stuff coming out of the box. the humane society recommends leaving a tv on. dog tv is being tested in veterinarian clinics and shelters. >> immediately the dog sat down and watched it cht. >> reporter: some dogs are mesmerized while others can't be bother bothered. try to stay awake for this. want the remote? >> we don't expect dogs to sit all day and become canine couch potatoes. >> reporter: ginger became a couch potato without showing the interest in dog tv unless she is dreaming about leaping through the cornfield. >> the creators haven't forgotten cats. they are thinking right now about what they call cat tv but
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decided they were going to start with dogs. remember you can always follow us on twitter. tweet the show. love to hear from you. that's it for me. thanks very much for watching. i'm wolf blitzer in washington. "erin burnett outfront" starts right now. outfront next an al qaeda conference call. that crucial terrorist intercept that prompted the united states to close 22 embassies and have terror alerts around the world was a conference call. the man making that claim out front tonight. cleveland's house of horrors comes down. one of ariel castro's victims at the demolition. and never before heard tapes. you will hear them here for the first time tonight. let's go outfront.